Category: <span>Enviroment</span>

Reviving Our Coasts: Mangrove Planting Initiative by iCommunity Lanka
March 3, 2023January 3, 2025

Reviving Our Coasts: Mangrove Planting Initiative by iCommunity Lanka

At iCommunity Lanka, our commitment to environmental sustainability and community empowerment drives every project we undertake. Recently, we proudly completed a ground-breaking mangrove restoration initiative with Turtle Conservation Project, Sri Lanka. This ambitious effort saw the planting of 450,000 mangrove saplings across 100 hectares of vulnerable coastal land in the Batticaloa District, ensuring a greener...

Tech Diversion
January 24, 2022January 24, 2022

Tech Diversion

Tech-diversion is a series of workshops undertaken by iCommunity Sri Lanka promoting the application of technology entrepreneurship (technopreneurship) in various fields of the industry. Tech-diversion aims to empower rural youth to become technopreneurs who are versant to apply technology in industries that require modernization in Sri Lanka. The first series of workshops was conducted for...

Importance of greening the world
April 19, 2019October 9, 2019

Importance of greening the world

Awareness session on plastic pollution, the importance of greening the world and the impact of climate change for the staff of Manmunai North Divisional Secretariat and Grama Niladhari officers of Manmunai North.

Victories of planting trees 🌳🌳
December 19, 2018December 19, 2018

Victories of planting trees 🌳🌳

We who stand proud about many victories of planting trees through let’s map green understand a fact that the hard work of the beneficiaries who take care of the plants is the major reason behind the success. Everything that a plant requires intense care during the first couple of months. Especially until it grows 2 to 5...

A day to clean the beach
November 23, 2018December 13, 2018

A day to clean the beach

We were on a mission cleaning the Kallady beach and as we normally do, we started early in the morning and started to pick the plastic and other wastes along this beach with are visited by more than thousand local and foreign tourists in weekends mostly. It was heartbreaking to see the way people had...

Plastic pollution in Sri Lanka
August 28, 2018December 13, 2018

Plastic pollution in Sri Lanka

Plastic pollution in Sri Lanka is something that we all have known for a long time. Also, we are aware of the fact that there have been several initiatives undertaken by the government as well as non-government organizations including several global entities. The above includes academic research studies, surveys, and innovations on sustainable plastic waste...

Free rain initiative
June 7, 2018December 7, 2018

Free rain initiative

Join us for free rain is a tree planting initiative based on “Letsmapgreen” platform which enables planting of trees and uploading their geographical position as well as a photo on to a web portal which enables updating and monitoring the progress of the trees from anywhere on earth.