At iCommunity Lanka, our commitment to environmental sustainability and community empowerment drives every project we undertake. Recently, we proudly completed a ground-breaking mangrove restoration initiative with Turtle Conservation Project, Sri Lanka. This ambitious effort saw the planting of 450,000 mangrove saplings across 100 hectares of vulnerable coastal land in the Batticaloa District, ensuring a greener...
Author: admin
“Sri Lanka Eco feminist collective”, powered by iCommunity
Eco feminist collective aims to increase the commitment to the environment and create awareness of the associations made between women and nature. Specifically, this will emphasize the ways both nature and women are treated by patriarchal (or male-centered) society. However, this collective will ensure no extreme movements are undertaken and they will use a peace...
Tech Diversion
Tech-diversion is a series of workshops undertaken by iCommunity Sri Lanka promoting the application of technology entrepreneurship (technopreneurship) in various fields of the industry. Tech-diversion aims to empower rural youth to become technopreneurs who are versant to apply technology in industries that require modernization in Sri Lanka. The first series of workshops was conducted for...
Importance of greening the world
Awareness session on plastic pollution, the importance of greening the world and the impact of climate change for the staff of Manmunai North Divisional Secretariat and Grama Niladhari officers of Manmunai North.
Nutpam Kaan 2019
நவீன தொழில்நுட்ப வசதிகளை அடிப்படையாகக் கொண்ட ஒரு சமூக நல தேடல். சமூகத்தில் உள்ள பிரச்சனைகளை ஆராய்வதோடு அவற்றுக்கான தீர்வுகளையும் நவீன தொழில் நுட்பத்தினூடாக பெற்றுத்தரும் களமாக அமையவுள்ளது இந்த நுட்பம் காண் 2019. நீங்களும் ஒரு சமூக ஆர்வலரா ? அல்லது தொழில்நுட்ப வல்லுநரா? உங்கள் அனைவரையும் கரம் கோர்க்க அழைக்கிறோம் நாம் உங்கள் ஐ-சமூகம் (iCommunity) நிறுவனத்தினர். பொங்கலன்று மாலை 5 மணி முதல் காந்திப் பூங்காவில் இடம்பெறவுள்ள இந்தப் புரட்சித்தேடலில் தவறாது கலந்து...
Citizen Journalism at it’s easiest.. Public complaints take a long way to reach the relevant higher officials through traditional communication mechanisms. Taking the digital literacy of Citizens of Batticaloa, the Batticaloa Municipal Council in collaboration with iCommunity has established this online platform to ease the process of sorting out complaints raised by the public of Batticaloa Municipal area. This...
Tell to Mayor – Citizen Journalism at it’s easiest form Public complaints take a long way to reach the relevant higher officials through traditional communication mechanisms. Taking the digital literacy of Citizens of Batticaloa, the Batticaloa Municipal Council in collaboration with iCommunity has established this online platform to ease the process of sorting out complaints raised by the public of Batticaloa Municipal area. This...
iKids – The right Technology for Kids at every age! ⌨ 💻
On our path of empowering kids through technology, this is an attempt to educate them on design thinking concepts through maker activities. This initiative was undertaken at a rural school with the active contribution of our volunteer team. The primary goal was to introduce knowledge on technology to kids and let them use them to...
Victories of planting trees 🌳🌳
We who stand proud about many victories of planting trees through let’s map green understand a fact that the hard work of the beneficiaries who take care of the plants is the major reason behind the success. Everything that a plant requires intense care during the first couple of months. Especially until it grows 2 to 5...
iGrow- A smart Agriculture solution for rural
Incorporation of Technology is vital in all the industries in the novel world. As we all know, technology has both negative and positive and negative impacts in agriculture as well as humanity. Considering this fact, iCommunity thrives to ensure agriculture activities under their periphery utilizes Technology in a sustainable manner without compromising natural resource reserves...